
02 January 2013

Nasi Bukhari Raja Segala Nasi.

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Assalamualikum WTW, 

This is from the first Episode I cooked after Raya Haji. King of the Rice Nasi Bukhari ( Raja Sgala Nasi ) please enjoy the recipes 
1- Cut the Chicken from the back bone as you seen on TV Al Hijrah 

2- season the Chicken from Both side with Cajun Spices, Black peppers, Salt and Cinnamon Powder use only as you needed 

3- Place the chicken on a Roasting try and make sure you add about 125 ml water for one Chicken the oven must be at 170 / 180 C and roasting it for about 45 60 minutes to one hour.

4- Make sure that the gravy of the chicken can be use. 

it is so easy and simple too. so please try it and ask me any question you need and inshallah I will answer . 

Nasi Bukhari Raja Segala Nasi. 
Resipi Turun temurun Chef Ammar 

1-Salata Arab tomato bersama Tahini sos. 


Tomato Tahini Salad 
1.Tomato didadu kecil 2biji 
2.Timun jepun atau timun 2 sederhana besar 
3.Daun Bawang Di potong halus ½ helai 
4.Daun parsley dihiris ¼ cawan 

Tahini Sos 

6.Tahini sos(boleh didapati kedai arab) 100gm 
7.Jus lemon 100ml(sekiranya pekat masan tambahkan air) 
Garam dan lada secukup rasa 

2-Nasi Bukhari bersama ayam panggang. 


1.Beras basmati dicuci bersih 1kg 
2.Ayam 1 -2 ekor 
3.Kismis gunakan kismis yg besar 1 cawan 
4.Lobak merah 100gm 
5.Sayur campur 1 cawan 
6.Bawang putih 10 biji 
7.Kacang kuda yg telah direbus 1 cawan 
8.Serbuk bunga cengkih 1 sudu teh 
9.Serbuk kayu manis 2 sudu teh 
10.Serbuk bunga lawang 1 sudu teh 
11.Serbuk cili 1 sudu teh 
12.Serbuk buah pelaga 1 sudu the 
13.Minyak jagung 1 cawan 
14.Daun ketumbar ½ cawan 
15.Daun pudina ½ cup 
16 Tomato Past 2 Tablespoon must be at 170 180 C depance on the oven

Chef Ammar 
Masak Dari hati Masak with Iman

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